Thursday, March 20, 2014

Life on the Road

Entranced by a ground squirrel.
We went from the remoteness of Saddle Mountain to the bustle of the City of Tucson…but I adjust, I’m like that, a “go with the flow” sort of dog. I can sleep as easily in the desert as on asphalt. And here in the city there are a lot of people, and I do love to meet people, and the place we’re staying has resident ground squirrels, which I could watch all day, or at least when I’m not sleeping.

T and Nollind have been a lot busier here—dinners out, live music, a book festival, shopping, the Desert Museum, and apparently some kind of street festival tomorrow. It probably sounds like it’s been pretty boring for us dogs, but not really. We’re staying in a big parking area at Casino Del Sol, where there are a bunch of other RVers and their dogs, and between the desert all around us and the lighted grounds for night walks, we might be doing more walking here than when we were at Saddle Mountain!  
Climbing to the top.
View from the top.
A few days ago, we hiked to the top of a hill that’s just across the main road. It was rocky and a bit of a scramble at the end but what a view! On the way down, Logan picked up a piece of cholla cactus that had fallen on the trail and, before I could get over to help him, I had some too. Nasty stuff—my leg was bleeding by the time T got it removed. Major ouch! Logan was even worse off than me, getting a chunk in his hind leg and also in a front paw, and he limped for a few days until T and Nollind were finally able to locate the one tiny piece that was still stuck in a pad. Poor guy—he always seems to get the worst of these things.

One of many daily naps.
Life on the road is fairly routine but in a good way. I like to start off the day by jumping up on the bed for my morning cuddle and I usually end up falling asleep there until I hear going outside activity like jingling collar tags or shoes going on. An hour or two-long morning walk is followed by breakfast J and a nap, hanging out at the trailer with T and Nollind or maybe waiting for them to come home from some outing we couldn’t go on. We go for another short walk before dinner J, which is followed by more hanging out at the trailer or waiting for T and Nollind to come home from an evening outing. We go for a third walk before bed, get our bedtime biscuit J and, finally, tuck in for the night.
Keeping an eye on the RV neighborhood.
There’s a lot of time for sleeping, but that’s not so different from home, and there’s plenty to watch outside the windows most days, and we get to spend a bunch of time together, which I love. And sometimes, when they can, T and Nollind take us along on their outings. When it’s cool enough they’ll take us on shopping or errand days but mostly down here it’s too hot to be left in a vehicle so we only go when it’s a dog-type outing like a hiking trail or a park.

Well, it was a long, warm walk this morning and I’m feeling a little sleepy. T’s headed outside with a book so I think that’s my cue to take up a spot in the shade on my outdoor sleeping mat. 

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